Reliable Bacteria Detection with XEPU-1720

Published: 2025-01-16

Cheap and Reliable Bacterial Detection with XEPU-1720

Detecting biofilms, bacteria and other pathogens in the food, beverage, and pharmaceutical process industry is always a challenge. The XEPU-1720 Bacteria and Biofilm Detector offers a simple, cheap, and effective solution to identify surface contaminants quickly and non-destructively! Utilizing our unique UV-fluorescing technology, the XEPU-1720 Bacteria and Biofilm Detector can expose harmful microorganisms such as Listeria, Salmonella, E. coli, Pseudomonads, and Yeast (see table below).

Ensure all high touch areas are clean and free of contamination before production commences by simply scanning the surface with the XEPU-1720 Bacteria and Biofilm Detector. The XEPU-1720 can illuminate large areas of work surfaces, aseptic lines, tanks, cheese vats, and other vessels, ensuring clean areas are adhering to high standards.

Microorganisms Associated with Biofilm Potential Isolated from Food Items

The XEPU-1720 can detect different kinds of microorganisms associated with food items.

Food ItemsTargeted Microorganisms
Milk and Milk ProductsListeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, Bacillus spp., Enterococcus spp., Cronobacter spp., Lactobacillus spp.
Meat and Meat ProductsSalmonella spp., S. aureus, L. monocytogenes, E.coli, E.coli 0157:H7, Campylobacter jejuni, Clostridium perfringens, Enterococcus spp., Enterobacter cloacae
SeafoodL. monocytogenes, Staphylococcus spp., Vibrio spp.
Vegetables and FruitsE.coli, Salmonella spp., L. monocytogenes, Cronobacter spp., Bacillus cereus

Photo below: The XEPU-1720 Bacteria and Biofilm Detector identifies bacterial contaminants quickly and non-destructively, without the use of chemicals.

Detect contaminants in sinks using XEPU-1720 bacteria bioflm detector

Why use XEPU-1720 Bacteria and Biofilm Detector?

Detection and prevention of bacteria and biofilm are critical to ensuring product safety. Recent product recalls due to bacterial contamination have highlighted the limitations of current detection methods and the urgent need to mitigate such issues.

Food manufacturers, particularly sanitation and food safety/quality personnel, have to recognize potential hazards as quickly as possible, as biofilms can have a profound impact on the safety and quality of their products and the end consumer. Biofilms are complex microbial ecosystems formed by one or more species immersed in a combination of different arrangements depending on the type of manufacturing environment they live within. Examples of microorganisms that can make up these biofilms include bacteria and fungi. Biofilm formation can contaminate products through the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms or spoilage bacteria. They are difficult to highlight and are often resistant to normal cleaning procedures. Even when a surface appears to be clean, the presence of biofilms is a potential hazard that must be detected, eliminated, and prevented from reoccurring.

Currently, most food manufacturers rely on ATP tests. However, ATP tests are not suitable for bacterial detection over large surfaces. When using the ATP swabbing system, a contaminated area can be missed by millimeters. A simple solution is to scan the whole surfaces using XEPU-1720 first, as a prelude to ATP swab testing, and carry out ATP tests on specific spots if needed. This can significantly increase the efficiency and effectiveness of bacteria and biofilm detection.

A major advantage of the XEPU-1720 Bacteria and Biofilm Detector is that it provides more reliable results at a much lower cost compared with other detection methods. No consumables are involved. Minimum training is required.

Detect contaminants in a pharmaceutical plant using XEPU-1720 Bacteria Detector

Learn more about XEPU-1720 Bacteria and Biofilm Detector

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