The SGFP2 fluorescent protein is a green fluorescent protein variant, published in 2007, derived from the Aequorea Victoria. The SGFP2 green fluorescent protein...
Fluorescence Flashlight GFPfinder-2101 provides high-intensity, large-area excitation light which can be used to detect fluorescent proteins in blueberry leaves...
Green fluorescent protein (GFP) is an excellent tool for non-destructive studies of bacterial communities. GFP-expressing bacteria can be easily identified and ...
Green fluorescent protein GFP and its variants have been widely used in fluorescent image of plants, animals, and live cells. Fluorescent Protein Lamp GFPfinder...
Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) is a fluorescein derivative consisting of a fluorescein core and an amine-reactive isothiocyanate moiety. Fluorescein isothioc...
The use of fluorescent proteins with different spectral characteristics allows a rapid identification and genetic analysis of plant seeds and crop seeds. Seed-s...
Enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) is a widely used variant of GFP. GFPfinder-2101RB is a powerful fluorescence flashlight designed to detect GFP and EGF...
mCherry is a bright red monomeric fluorescent protein created by rounds of directed evolution of DsRed. mCherry is a very rapidly-maturing monomer with low acid...
Hyperfolder YFP, also known as hfYFP, is a yellow fluorescent protein. To detect Hyperfolder YFP fluorescent protein, use YFP Fluorescence Flashlight GFPfinder-...
Green fluorescent protein (GFP) and yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) are two types of fluorescent proteins that emit different colors of fluorescence when excit...