Red Fluorescent Protein (RFP) Detector

Published: 2024-05-14

Red Fluorescent Protein (RFP)

Red fluorescent protein (RFP) is a type of fluorescent protein. Red fluorescent protein (RFP) was initially isolated from Discosoma and named DsRed. Scientists have developed several variants using directed mutagenesis. There are now other red fluorescent proteins that can emit orange, red, and far red fluorescence. Some common red fluorescent proteins include DsRed, mCherry, and tdTomato. Red fluorescent protein (RFP) is approximately 25.9 kDa.

To detect red fluorescent proteins (RFPs), the first step is to learn the excitation and emission wavelengths of red fluorescent proteins. The excitation wavelength of red fluorescent proteins is 558 nm, and the emission wavelength is 583 nm. Based on the spectrum, choose a detector with appropriate wavelength to detect RFPs. Ideal RFP detectors are Portable Fluorescence Flashlight GFPfinder-2101GR and RFP Fluorescence Cabinet GFPfinder-2106GR.

What are red fluorescent proteins used for? Red fluorescent protein (RFP) is a multifunctional biomarker used to monitor physiological processes, visualize protein localization, and detect transgenic expression in vivo. The red fluorescent protein mCherry has become the most widely used red fluorescent protein due to its rapid maturation, stability, and resistance to photobleaching. The mCherry and DsRed fluorescent proteins are excellent for labeling proteins with different functions or subcellular localization patterns.

Figure below: red fluorescence observed using Fluorescence Flashlight GFPfinder-2101GR

red fluorescence observed using Fluorescence Flashlight GFPfinder-2101GR

Portable Red Fluorescence Flashlight GFPfinder-2101GR

How to detect red fluorescence quickly? Using Portable Red Fluorescence Flashlight GFPfinder-2101GR, red fluorescence can be observed with the naked eye and transgenic fluorescence screening can be performed in a more efficient way. The Portable Red Fluorescence Flashlight GFPfinder-2101GR is capable of detecting red fluorescence in plant leaves, seeds, microorganisms, colonies, animals, or callus tissues. Moreover, the cost of Fluorescence Flashlight GFPfinder-2101GR is only 1/10 that of a fluorescence microscope!

Click to learn more about Portable Red Fluorescence Flashlight GFPfinder-2101GR

The following image is a portable, powerful RFP detector: Fluorescence Flashlight GFPfinder-2101GR.

portable red fluorescence flaslight GFPfinder-2101GR

Red Fluorescence Cabinet GFPfinder-2106GR

Red Fluorescence Cabinet GFPfinder-2106GR is designed to provide a portable dark room for detecting red fluorescence. With a dark background and a large viewing window up to 14 x 3 inch, it is easier to observe red fluorescence and screen positive smaples in batch! Red Fluorescence Cabinet GFPfinder-2106GR is excellent for detecting and screening transformed samples such as seeds, leaves, plant callus tissue, mice, etc.

Click to learn more about Red Fluorescence Cabinet GFPfinder-2106GR

The following image is Red Fluorescence Cabinet GFPfinder-2106GR.

Red Fluorescence Cabinet GFPfinder-2106GR

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