Visualize SYBR Green Stained DNA Using Blue Light Transilluminator XEPU-1126B

Published: 2024-05-10

SYBR Green Nucleic Acid Gel Stain

SYBR Green is a common nucleic acid gel stain used in molecular biology. SYBR Green is one of the most sensitive stains available for detecting double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) in agarose and polyacrylamide gels. SYBR Green can also be used to visualize DNA in gel electrophoresis. SYBR Green with higher concentration can be used to stain agarose gel for better visualization of DNA. In addition to labeling pure nucleic acids, SYBR Green can also be used to label intracellular DNA for flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy. In these cases, RNase treatment may be necessary to reduce the background of RNA in cells.

SYBR Green I is an asymmetric anthocyanin dye. SYBR Green I can bind to DNA. The obtained DNA dye complex absorbs 497 nm blue light (λ Max = 497 nm) and emits green light (λ Max = 520 nm). SYBR Green I staining agent preferentially binds to double stranded DNA, but has a lower staining effect on single stranded DNA.

SYBR Green I is an ideal alternative to ethidium bromide (EB) because SYBR Green I is safer and does not require special waste disposal. A study has shown that the mutagenicity of SYBR Green I was 30 times lower than that of ethidium bromide when measured at the same concentration.

Visualize SYBR Green Stained DNA Using Blue Light Transilluminator XEPU-1126B

How to visualize DNA bands stained with SYBR Green I in gel electrophoresis?

The first step is to learn the excitation and emission wavelengths of SYBR Green. SYBR Green is optimally excited by 497 nm blue light and emits 520 nm green light. Blue Light Transilluminator XEPU-1126B is an ideal tool to visualize SYBR Green. The following figure shows the fluorescence of SYBR Green stained DNA bands when illuminated by blue light transilluminator.

Figure below: Fluorescence of SYBR Green observed using blue light transilluminator

Fluorescence of SYBR Green observed using blue light transilluminator

Blue Light Transilluminator XEPU-1126B is equipped with 24 blue light LEDs. Its uniform illumination is excellent for visualizing DNA bands stained with SYBR Green fluorescent dye. Blue Light Transilluminator XEPU-1126B can also be used to visualize various nucleic acid dyes, such as fluorescein, AttoPhos, GelStar, Vistra Green, SYPRO Orange, red shifted GFP variants, etc. Blue Light Transilluminator XEPU-1126B offers a large filter up to 21 * 26 cm, making it easy to observe fluorescent expression!

Figure below: Blue Light Transilluminator XEPU-1126B designed to visualize DNA bands stained with fluorescent dye

Blue Light Transilluminator XEPU-1126B designed to visualize SYBR Green

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