Portable UV Lamps for Thin Layer Chromatography

Published: 2024-01-19

Portable UV Lamps for Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC)

XEPU Scientific Instruments offers a full range of UV lamps with various combinations of UV wavelengths, intensities, sizes, and wattages. Each UV lamp is designed for ease of use and will provide hours of trouble free operation. They are highly recommended as compact and economical sources for thin layer chromatography (TLC) and gel visualization.

 Portable UV Lamp for thin layer chromatography (TLC)

All UV lamps that XEPU sells feature a silver-anodized aluminum housing that makes the lamps both attractive and durable. A corrosion-resistant, specular-aluminum reflector optimizes UV irradiance. Each UV lamp comes standard with a pair of UV protection glasses to protect operator's eyes from UV light.

These UV lamps come with integrally filtered or unfiltered UV tubes, available with or without a separate filter assembly. Unfiltered tubes provide a higher UV intensity. Please choose the UV tubes and filter based on your applications.

UV Lamps

Three-Wavelength UV Lamp XEPU-1338LMS: three 8 Watt UV tubes of each wavelength (longwave 365nm, midwave 312nm, and shortwave 254nm)

Dual-Wavelength UV Lamp XEPU-1328LS: two 8 Watt UV tubes of different wavelengths (longwave 365nm and shortwave 254nm)

Dual-Wavelength UV Lamp XEPU-1328LM: two 8 Watt UV tubes of different wavelengths (longwave 365nm and midwave 312nm)


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