Oil Detection on Metal Surfaces Using UV Flashlight XEPU-1530B

Published: 2024-04-29

Oil Detection on Metal Surfaces

In industrial applications, oil detection is a process of detecting and evaluating the existence, distribution and content of oil on an object such as metals. Oil detection is a critical process in many industries, so it is necessary to choose a detection method which provides reliable inspection results at low costs.

Common oil detection methods include:

● Visual inspection: Directly observe and inspect metal surfaces with the naked eye. Although visual inspection is simple and easy, it is time consuming, ineffective and unreliable. The results of the inspection depend largely on the inspector's judgment.

● Chemical analysis: Mix chemical reagents with oil, and determine the presence of oil by analyzing the reaction products. This method is expensive and complex.

● Fluorescence inspection: Using the fluorescence characteristics of oil for detection. This is currently the most efficient and widely used oil detection method.

Fluorescence Inspection of Oil on Metal Surfaces

Principle of Fluorescence Inspection

The principle of the fluorescence detection method is that oil will emit blue fluorescence when exposed to long-wave ultraviolet rays of 365nm. Using High-Intensity UV Flashlight XEPU-1530B, the inspector can observe the fluorescence with the naked eye and determine whether there is oil on metal surfaces. Moreover, the concentration of oil can also be revealed through the intensity of fluorescence. The stronger the fluorescence, the higher the oil concentration.

Advantages of Fluorescence Inspection

The fluorescence inspection method has many advantages:

● Accuracy: Fluorescence inspection is more accurate than visual detection. Using UV Flashlight XEPU-1530B, even trace amounts of oil can be easily detected.

● Low cost: Compared with chemical analysis methods, fluorescence inspection method is cheaper. All you need is UV Flashlight XEPU-1530B. There is no need to purchase expensive chemical reagents.

● Simple operation: Illuminate metal surfaces using UV Flashlight XEPU-1530B, detect oil in seconds!

● Non-destructive: Fluorescence inspection method is a non-contact, non-destructive detection method. There is no need to add any reagents. The oil residue can be found through ultraviolet irradiation without causing any damage to the detected surface.

Figure below: fluorescence of oil on metal surface under UV Flashlight XEPU-1530B

fluorescence of oil on metal surface under UV Flashlight XEPU-1530B

Figure below: High-Intensity UV Flashlight XEPU-1530B designed for oil detection on metal surfaces

UV Flashlight XEPU-1530B for oil detection

LEARN MORE: High-Intensity UV Flashlight XEPU-1530B

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